Sylvan Nook
Church of Christ
Our goal at this church is to serve God daily by “Love God and to Love Others.” We invite you to join us in this incredible mission. We are here to help you as God has helped us. Please be sure to let us know how we can serve you.
The purpose of the Sylvan Nook Church of Christ is to help others on their journey through life by learning to love God and to love others.
To help you with your walk with God:
We will pray for you and your needs
We offer personalized Bible studies
Free Bible Correspondence Courses
Sunday and Wednesday Bible Classes
One way to help enrich your faith is by loving and serving others. We provide many ways to serve others.
If you would like to volunteer with us we need help with our:
Food Pantry give-away
Unloading food truck & trailer
Soap Pantry
Children & Youth Ministry activities
Web page and graphic design
Multi-media ministry
Social Media outreach
Women’s Ministry
To volunteer or to learn of other ways to be involved call (765)-966-6825.